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TIUA School of Business Honors of Distinction Celebration Weekend

Honors of Distinction Celebration Weekend

Celebrating Leaders such Dr. Tameka”Tiny”Harris, Dr. Jackie Kallen, Dr. Regina Love, Dr. Kinnik Sky, Dr. Brandi Harvey and Dr. Darwin Hobbs

Atlanta, GA – June 6, 2024 – This past weekend, the picturesque Chateau Elan hosted an extraordinary event that left an indelible mark on all who attended. From May 31 to June 2, 2024, Trinity International University of Ambassadors Florida (TIUA) and TIUA School of Business celebrated the Honors of Distinction Weekend. This annual event, which honors outstanding contributions in business, philanthropy, community, and ministry, held special significance this year as it marked the 10th anniversary of Dr. Jacqueline Mohair’s visionary leadership.

A Decade of Honor and Inspiration

Interviewer: Dr. Mohair, how does it feel to celebrate the 10th anniversary of your visionary leadership?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: It feels incredibly fulfilling and humbling. Over the past decade, we’ve witnessed so many remarkable individuals and their contributions. The Honors of Distinction Weekend has grown into a prestigious celebration that truly embodies TIUA’s core principles rooted in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. It’s been a journey of spiritual depth and purpose, and I’m honored to be part of it.

The Inspiration Behind the Event

Interviewer: Can you share more about the inspiration behind the Honors of Distinction Weekend?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: The inspiration comes from a desire to honor those who make a difference and to create a ripple effect of positive change. Each year, we recognize individuals who have made significant impacts in their respective fields. By celebrating their achievements, we hope to inspire others to pursue their own paths of excellence and service.

Honoring Icons and Trailblazers

Interviewer: This year’s honorees included a remarkable group of individuals. Can you tell us more about them?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: Absolutely. This year, we honored:

  • Tameka “Tiny” Harris, a multifaceted talent in the music industry, recognized for her achievements as an artist, songwriter, and television personality.
  • Brandi Harvey, honored for her work in health and wellness, empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.
  • Kinnik Sky, celebrated for her dedication to the arts and her inspiring journey as an actress and singer.
  • Jackie “International Boxing Hall of Fame” Kallen, a trailblazer in boxing management, recognized for breaking barriers and setting new standards.
  • Regina Love, known for her powerful voice and contributions to the music industry.
  • Darwin Hobbs, a renowned gospel singer, honored for his spiritual contributions.
  • Christal Jordan Jennings, recognized for her impactful work in communications as a publicist and media expert.
  • The Esteemed Graduating Class of 2024, celebrated for their academic achievements and future potential.

Legacy of Civil Rights Leaders

Interviewer: TIUA has a proud history of honoring civil rights icons. How do their legacies influence your work?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: The legacies of icons like the Late Rev. Dr. C.T. Vivian, Late Congressman Dr. John Lewis, Late Dr. Joseph Lowery, Late Dr. Rita Samuels, and the Late Dr. Juanita Abernathy are foundational to our mission. Their unwavering commitment to justice and equality resonates deeply with us and inspires our commitment to education, advocacy, and support.

Empowering Through Education

Interviewer: TIUA School of Business approach to education is holistic, focusing on spiritual and professional empowerment. Can you elaborate on this?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: Our goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge and resources to thrive both spiritually and professionally. We offer globally accredited programs in biblical studies and support grassroots businesses. One notable initiative is the Trinity Girls Network, which empowers young girls in the United States and Zambia, Africa by fostering their entrepreneurial spirit and building sustainable futures.

Looking Ahead

Interviewer: What’s next for TIUA School of Business and the Honors of Distinction Weekend?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: The Honors of Distinction Weekend not only celebrates past achievements but also serves as a beacon of future aspirations. We are dedicated to continuing our mission of empowerment and growth. Looking ahead, we aim to expand our programs and initiatives, touching more lives and communities.

Interviewer: For those interested in TIUA’s programs and future events, where can they find more information?

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: They can visit our website at www.trinitybusiness.org or contact us at [email protected] for more details.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Mohair, for sharing your insights and for your remarkable leadership.

Dr. Jacqueline Mohair: Thank you. It’s been an honor to celebrate this milestone and look forward to what the future holds.

About TIUA

Trinity International University of Ambassadors Florida (TIUA) is dedicated to holistic education, integrating spiritual and professional development. Under the leadership of Dr. Jacqueline Mohair, TIUA continues to empower individuals and communities through education, advocacy, and support.

The Honors of Distinction Weekend was an inspiring and transformative experience, celebrating a decade of excellence and looking forward to a future filled with hope and determination.

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