Education & Youth

Akuba Torvikey Dawkins launches Breedlove Beauty + Wellness Accelerator

Perhaps best known to the readers of Cosmetics Design as the Product Development Manager behind this year’s relaunch of the iconic hair brand Afro Sheen​, Akuba Torvikey Dawkins specializes in not only product dev, but also beauty innovation, product testing, and consumer insights. She is also Co-Founder of Gravity Venture Partners, a firm that supports Black-owned startups, and as of Wednesday June 17, 2020, founder of the Breedlove Beauty + Wellness Accelerator.

Building on a legacy of Black-owned beauty business success

Madam CJ Walker is the namesake behind the new virtual accelerator program. Walker’s maiden name was Sarah Breedlove; and as Torvikey explains in a social media post announcing the venture, “Madam CJ Walker….serves as an inspiration to me on many levels including entrepreneurship and product development.”

“What better way to pay homage to such a visionary and innovator than to create an initiative named after the woman who paved the way for Black haircare and provided not just jobs, but opportunities to over 25K black women?” ​asks Torvikey rhetorically.

Torvikey has spent the past 6+ months developing the accelerator programming but notes in her post that, “the time couldn’t be more appropriate to help close the knowledge gap for Black-owned businesses.”

The Breedlove Beauty + Wellness Accelerator is now accepting applicants for a first cohort

Applications are being accepted online now at and must be in before Wednesday, June 24.​ The nine-week program is set to start on July 2 and run through August 27. And only 20 applicants will be invited to join the 2020 cohort.

As Torvikey explains in her LinkedIn update about the Breedlove Beauty + Wellness Accelerator, “For 9 weeks, companies will receive mentoring from accomplished mentors in the areas brand building, product development, sales and marketing.”

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