About Us

Welcome to ATL Black Voices Magazine, your premier source for the stories, achievements, and voices of Atlanta’s vibrant Black community. We are dedicated to celebrating the diverse narratives and contributions that shape the cultural and social landscape of our city.

Our Mission

At ATL Black Voices Magazine, our mission is to amplify the voices and experiences of Black Atlantans, providing a platform that reflects the richness of our community. We strive to inform, inspire, and empower through in-depth storytelling, insightful commentary, and dynamic multimedia content.

What We Do

Storytelling with Impact

We delve deep into the stories that matter, highlighting the successes, challenges, and aspirations of Black individuals and organizations in Atlanta. From profiles of influential leaders and entrepreneurs to coverage of local events and cultural movements, we aim to bring you content that resonates and inspires.

Community Engagement

Our magazine is more than just a publication; it’s a community hub. We host events, panel discussions, and workshops that foster connection and dialogue within the Black community. By bringing people together, we aim to build a stronger, more united community.

Spotlight on Arts and Culture

Atlanta is a city rich in artistic and cultural heritage. We feature artists, musicians, writers, and performers who are making waves locally and beyond. Through our coverage, we aim to support and promote the creative talents that define our cultural landscape.

Business and Innovation

We celebrate Black entrepreneurship and innovation, showcasing the businesses and leaders driving change and economic growth in Atlanta. Our business section offers insights, success stories, and resources for aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

Our Team

We are a diverse team of writers, editors, photographers, and multimedia creators, all passionate about telling the stories of Atlanta’s Black community. Our team brings together a wealth of experience and a shared commitment to excellence in journalism and storytelling.

Join Us

Whether you’re a reader, a contributor, or a partner, we invite you to join us in our mission to uplift and celebrate the voices of Black Atlanta. Subscribe to our magazine, follow us on social media, and attend our events to stay connected with the latest from ATL Black Voices Magazine.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, we can make sure every voice is heard and every story is told.

Contact Us:

For general inquiries, submissions, or partnership opportunities, please contact us.

Let’s celebrate the voices of Atlanta together.

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